Achieve peak performance with less strain?

You have come to the right place…

On average, employees spend 50% more time collaborating than 20 years ago*.

But increasing collaboration doesn’t automatically translate into great results

As an organizational consultant, I see many companies from the inside. The differences in the quality of cooperation are considerable. Long-term studies confirm this:

Compared to individuals in low-trust organizations, individuals in high-trust organizations report

  • 74% less stress
  • 106% more energy
  • 76% more engagement
  • 50% higher productivity
  • 40% less burnout
  • 29% higher satisfaction with their lives

* Source: Collaborative Overload, Harvard Business Review

My approach:

Thrive in Tension Fields

What sounds simple in theory is often not easy to implement in everyday life.
It is precisely in contradictions, areas of tension and quandaries that we find what we need to breathe more life into the culture of cooperation in your company.

I bring in know-how for team development

As an external consultant, I support you in adopting new perspectives. In doing so, I share my knowledge, my methods, and contribute my more than twenty years of experience on change processes.

You decide where to go

You bring in your technical expertise, have profound industry knowledge, know your company and are familiar with its peculiarities. You know the short-term and long-term objectives and have a good sense of how your employees “tick”.

Sustainability in two ways

1 – As a consultant, I accompany you part of the way. You receive help to help yourself. Therefore, organizational consulting has an impact beyond the duration of the project .
2- Sustainability in the sense of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance). Companies can make a positive contribution to our society and our environment. The quality of collaboration has a direct impact on the “social” factor.

Why I became an organizational development consultant

As a child, I was fascinated by the question: How does the world work? I come from an Austrian-Canadian family of artists where I learned about how a successful concert or theatrical production is made. Companies, on the other hand, remained mysterious places for me. This made me curious for more.

And so my first stop was at the Higher Technical School for Biomedical Engineering. I was excited technology and science, and wanted to dive deeper.

And so I studied technical physics. Because I enjoyed mathematics (yes, there is such a thing!), I added a PhD study and dealt with theoretical particle physics.

During my studies I earned my money as a teaching assistant in the circus school. The creative work with people was a welcome counterbalance to the work on formulas and models and tied in with my childhood experiences.

In 2000, I decided to work as an exotic (that’s what they called lateral entrants without a business degree) in a management consulting firm with a focus on productivity consulting. I learned about accounts receivable and accounts payable, about production planning and ERP systems. A new and exciting world opened up for me.

I also noticed how my fundamental question began to change: instead of wanting to understand how the world works, I became more and more interested in how I could effectively engage in the world.

In 2006, I started my own consulting business – with a clear idea of what I want: namely, to support my clients in the best possible way to achieve their goals. In my six years as an employed consultant, I had discovered that these goals were not so easy to define and put into words. I realized that as a consultant, I had to be smart about honing initial requests for external support into an objective in a way that truly expressed what was the deepest concern of my of the clients.

After a family sabbatical as a house coordinator at a Camphill facility in Ireland (a community where people with and without intellectual disabilities live and work), I went back to college, completing a Masters in Organizational Psychology at the University of London in 2011. I also have other roles at universities and technical colleges: as an external lecturer, I teach physiotherapists, industrial economists and budding product designers project management, social skills, conflict management and intercultural management. In the process, I also explored the possibility of using mindfulness in a professional context.

While accompanying a strategy process in a large, established company, I noticed that a topic that was still fuzzy, but essential for the future positioning of the company in the industry, was not progressing over a longer period of time. With hypnosystemic training in 2016, I learned how to work systematically with conscious and unconscious parts in people, teams and organizations.

After I had done my own strategy development process for my consulting company together with a network partner, I decided to deepen the topic of sustainable strategy development and completed an Executive Education Program for Sustainable Leadership and Corporate Responsibility at the University of London. I found it particularly fascinating to work with sustainability professionals from almost every continent.

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